Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Global Star Capital-Rich Cocovich-Richard Cocovich-

Global Star Capital, is a high end consulting company that assist clients in their quest to obtain funding for projects $150,000 and up with no limit. Projects range in scope and represent many fields, including the development, transportation, technology, and alternative energy sectors. Founded by Rich Cocovich, Global Star Capital fully screens clients before receiving applications for projects.

The first step to receive Global Star Capital's services is for the client to submit an application and project proposal for approval. After the applicant is vetted and all is satisfactory, the client is contacted. If the client still proves to be a promising match for Global Star Capital, Mr. Cocovich then screens the applicant. From start to finish, Global Star Capital is insistent on maintaining its protocol and encourages applicants to review and accept the company's methods before initiating the screening process.

Global Star Capital and Rich Cocovich have served clients in more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and North, Central, and South America. The company assists in a range of activities, including in startups, acquisitions, and the securing of a wide variety of loans. Business consultation also is available to Global Star Capital clients by Rich Cocovich. The entrepreneur travels globally to provide business services to his clients.

Global Star Capital and it's founder Rich Cocovich are in high demand world wide. They invite all solvent and prepared principals to begin their process at the company web or and follow the OUR PROCESS section fully.